App Translation Bot

App Translation Bot is a ios localization app and a xamarim android localization app plus it also works for INI files.

App Translation Bot is a real powerful automation tool as all you need to provide is the source file for translation and App Translation Bot creates all the file structure and the translation so when it is done you're done.

App Translation Bot supports 30+ different languages. You will need a Yandex account which is 100% free and you're all set to distribute your product in a lot of countries. The fastest way to increase market share for your App.

App Translation Bot also works for Xamarim Android. It creates all the files exactly as needed by Android Studio. And it works with INI files as well.

Main Features:

1. Support for 30+ different languages.
2. One time fee. No translation costs whatsoever.
3. Creates ready to place folders and files both for iOS and Android.
4. Works also with INI files.

Extra Features:

1. Supports MacOS projects as well as iOS projects.
2. Automatically detects language of source.
3. Fast translation even for a large number of launguages.

App Translation Bot is the fastest way to increase your downloads, have an edge over the competition, and expand sales. In a few minutes you will have your App translated to 30+ different languages with minimum hassle.

Register here to get your free license.
Don't use fake e-mails because if you do you will not be able to request keys. Fake e-mails are removed from time to time.
You have 7 days to register your first giveaway license copy. If you miss the deadline your license will be invalidated. If you register your giveaway license within the first 7 days then you will be granted KEYs for up to 10 different computers.
Future updates for your giveaway license will not be free.
This software is exclusive for MacOS 7 to 15.

More about App Translation Bot

App Translation Bot Giveaway License

Type your name and e-mail correctly. IMPORTANT: If your e-mail is typed incorrectly you will not be able to receive the registration key.

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