Remote Control Pro LAN Edition is the perfect remote access software for the Local Area Network. The program allows you to practically view and control all computers on your local network.
Local Area Network administrators will find in Remote Control Pro LAN Edition a faster, more practical way of monitoring and controlling multiple computers at once. The application shows a real-time screen capture of all connected computers in one scalable panel, enabling the user to view the PCs and Macs in the LAN and control anyone at any time.
Remote Control Pro LAN Edition allows users to record the monitored computers. The application is light and does not utilize many CPU cycles because it delegates tasks to execute on the clients. You can register multiple computers simultaneously without overloading the server at all. Remote Control Pro LAN Edition stamps date and time over screen capture so you can know what happened and when.
Remote Control Pro LAN Edition is more agile than other remote desktop control applications for LAN administration. With the unique monitoring panel, you can switch remote control between computers in 3 steps:
1. Switch from the current computer to the monitoring panel with the first click.
2. Identify and select the next computer you wish to control with the second click.
3. Start controlling the remote computer with the third click.
Usually, LAN administrators locate the next computer to remotely control switching through windows and using other time-consuming unpractical methods. The application allows the user to save the monitoring session to files on disk. When the user opens the file later, all computers connect at once. Plus, you can save multiple files for different monitoring sessions. Most LAN administrators open one computer after the other in a time-consuming task.
Main features:
1. Ability to remotely control the keyboard and mouse of all computers on your LAN.
2. One scalable panel to view all computers at once.
3. Client very easy to install.
4. Ability to send messages and execute other tasks to connected remote computers.
5. Clients for PC Windows and Mac.
Extra features:
1. Ability to connect to remote computers directly by IP address.
2. Ability to discover all computers on your LAN automatically.
3. Low CPU usage on both server and client sides.
Remote Control Pro LAN Edition packs all the tools you need to administer your Local Area Network with less effort and spending less time. Plus, it presents the one scalable monitoring panel you will most likely not find anywhere else.
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You have 7 days to register your first giveaway license copy. If you miss the deadline your license will be invalidated.
If you register your giveaway license within the first 7 days then you will be granted KEYs for up to 10 different computers.
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