Fat File Finder is the smartest and quickest way to find big files in your Mac and removing them to gain disk space.
After using many large file finders for Mac for our internal needs we found a simpler quicker and way more precise way of spotting large files on your hard drive.
With Fat File Finder, you select a folder to be the root of search, a minimum size of file to look for, and Fat File Finder makes the search on folders and sub-folders finding you the files matching the criteria.
Fat File Finder can search for large files on any folder of your Mac. So if you choose a system folder to find large files in, make sure you know what you are removing.
Main Features:
1. Can find files on any folder on your Mac including system folders.
2. Recursive search of folders and sub-folders.
3. You can trash or remove files.
4. Disk space pie graphics representing real-time free and used disk space.
Extra Features:
1. Ability to search for a size range by setting minimum and maximum size of files to look for.
2. Precision on results. You know exactly what you are getting rid of.
3. Fast search.
Fat File Finder will help you free up disk space you no longer use. The tool is simple, straghtforward, effective, and fast.
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