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ScreeenCamera Studio – A direct channel right into YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Skype, and more.

ScreenCamera Studio is a virtual camera installed on your system, meaning you can go to YouTube and select ScreenCamera Video Camera straight out of the menu of webcams. Same thing with Facebook, LinkedIn, Skype, and any live video streaming applications. This feature allows the software to be less CPU intensive and transmit video via Direct Memory Access which means creating a minor delay in live streaming.

It doesn’t stop there. ScreenCamera Studio can play movies, stamp pictures and text with transparency overlayed over live video, play a slideshow of photos, transmit screen capture, webcam capture, and both simultaneously in PiP (Picture in Picture). The program allows drawing over the live video. ScreenCamera Studio is a show house for your live-streaming sessions.

Easy to set up live streaming sessions.

You don’t need to set up live-streaming URLs through different protocols to connect to YouTube. You can select ScreenCamera Video Camera from the list of webcams installed in the system. There isn’t any more straightforward way to communicate with live-streaming applications and services.

No need to set up several parameters. ScreenCamera Video Camera communicates through Direct Memory Access directly on the motherboard bus of data, the fastest way possible to get to the other end. In contrast, on different applications, you have to find the proper settings to have the minor delay possible. Streaming with ScreenCamera Studio is a no-delay session, and because it uses hardware, the software is light on CPU cycles.

ScreenCamera Studio plays movies on your camera

Play movies through the camera.

ScreenCamera Studio offers you the ability to play movies through the camera. The program supports all well know video formats, including MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI, MPG, and more.

Play a slideshow of photos through the camera.

With ScreenCamera Studio, you can add as many photos as you want, and the program will shuffle them and show them at a specific interval you define.

A lot is talked about OBS Studio, and there are audio features ScreenCamera Studio doesn’t have. Still, the application can put on quite a show for your viewers, mainly because your face can always be shown by putting your webcam in PiP (Picture in Picture) with whatever is playing on the camera, including real-time screen capture. Below I talk about how to combine OBS Studio with ScreenCamera Studio and be mighty powerful.

Take your live streaming sessions to a much higher level with ScreenCamera Studio. Combine it with OBS Studio. Show time.

You can combine OBS Studio with ScreenCamera Studio and get the most out of your live-streaming sessions. You can connect OBS Studio to ScreenCamera Video Camera and become mighty influential on the live video streaming game. With this combination, you can create a spectacle for your viewers.

Record and capture your whole session.

ScreenCamera Studio can record its camera directly to MP4 and take pictures whenever you want. Videos and photos are stored in special folders you can open anytime. You can change them as well.


To not occupy desktop space ScreenCamera Studio can become a toolbar from where you can manage any setting and not crowd up the desktop screen. This feature is perfect for the smooth operation of the software.


ScreenCamera Studio has many features OBS Studio doesn’t have and vice-versa, but since you can combine the two, you should put them together and level up your game in the live video streaming game. If you don’t, you will miss the score higher on this big money game.

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